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10 Tips for Organizing Your Bathroom Drawer Like a Pro

Bathroom Drawer

When it comes to organizing a bathroom, one of the most challenging tasks is keeping the drawers tidy. With all the small items such as makeup, hair accessories, and toiletries, it’s easy for drawers to become cluttered and disorganized. However, with a few simple tips and tricks, anyone can transform their messy bathroom drawers into an organized oasis.

The first step to organizing a bathroom drawer is to take everything out and assess what you have. This will help you determine what items are essential and what can be tossed or donated. Once you have everything sorted, it’s time to start organizing. One helpful tip is to use drawer dividers or organizers to separate items into categories. For example, one divider can be used for makeup, another for hair accessories, and another for toiletries. This will make it easier to find what you need quickly and prevent items from getting mixed up.

Another helpful tip is to utilize vertical space. Rather than stacking items on top of each other, try using small bins or trays to create layers within the drawer. This will not only maximize space but also make it easier to see everything you have. By following these simple tips, anyone can transform their bathroom drawers from chaotic to organized in no time.

Understanding the Importance of Bathroom Drawer Organization

Organizing bathroom drawers may seem like a small task, but it can make a big difference in the overall functionality and appearance of a bathroom. A disorganized drawer can make it difficult to find what you need, leading to frustration and wasted time. On the other hand, a well-organized bathroom drawer can save time and make daily routines more efficient.

Bathroom drawer organization can also help with decluttering. Most people accumulate a lot of items in their bathroom drawers over time, and it can be challenging to know what to keep and what to get rid of. By organizing the contents of a bathroom drawer, it becomes easier to identify items that are no longer needed and dispose of them properly.

Another benefit of bathroom drawer organization is that it can help to create a more relaxing and inviting atmosphere in the bathroom. When everything is in its place, the space looks and feels cleaner and more organized. This can help to reduce stress and make the bathroom a more enjoyable place to be.

In summary, organizing bathroom drawers is an essential part of maintaining a functional and attractive bathroom. By decluttering and organizing the contents of a bathroom drawer, it becomes easier to find what you need, save time, and create a more relaxing atmosphere in the bathroom.

Starting Your Organization Journey: Inventory and Purge

Before diving into organizing a bathroom drawer, it’s important to take inventory of what you have and purge any unnecessary items. This initial step will make the rest of the organization process much smoother.

Begin by taking everything out of the drawer and placing it on a flat surface. This will give you a clear view of what you have and make it easier to sort through. Next, separate the items into categories such as makeup, hair accessories, skincare, and medications.

As you sort through each category, check for any expired items or medications that are no longer needed. Dispose of these properly according to the instructions on the packaging. This will not only clear up space in your drawer but also ensure that you are not using any potentially harmful products.

After purging expired or unnecessary items, take a look at the frequently used items. These should be placed in the most accessible part of the drawer for easy access. Items that are used less frequently can be placed towards the back or in a separate container within the drawer.

By taking inventory and purging unnecessary items, you can create a more organized and functional bathroom drawer. This initial step will set the foundation for the rest of the organization process.

Choosing the Right Organizers and Containers

When organizing a bathroom drawer, choosing the right organizers and containers is crucial to maximize space and keep items easily accessible. Here are some tips to help you choose the right organizers and containers:

Consider Your Needs

Before purchasing any organizers or containers, consider what items you need to store in your bathroom drawer. This will help you determine what type of organizer or container is best suited for your needs.

Drawer Organizers

Drawer organizers are an excellent option for keeping items separated and organized. They come in various sizes and shapes, including trays, dividers, and bins. Consider using drawer dividers to separate items like makeup brushes, hair accessories, and skincare products.

Bins and Baskets

Bins and baskets are versatile options that can be used to store a variety of items. Consider using small bins or baskets to store items like cotton swabs, cotton balls, and hair ties.

Jars and Canisters

Jars and canisters are great for storing small items like bobby pins, hair clips, and makeup sponges. Consider using mason jars or clear canisters to keep items visible and easily accessible.

Tiered Organizers and Lazy Susans

Tiered organizers and lazy susans are excellent options for maximizing vertical space and keeping items easily accessible. Consider using a tiered organizer for storing skincare products or a lazy susan for storing hair styling tools.

Overall, choosing the right organizers and containers can make a significant difference in keeping your bathroom drawer organized and clutter-free.

Maximizing Space in Your Bathroom Drawers

When organizing a bathroom drawer, maximizing space is crucial, especially if you have a small bathroom or limited storage space. Here are some tips to help you make the most of your bathroom vanity drawers:

  • Use Drawer Dividers: Drawer dividers are an excellent tool for maximizing space in your bathroom drawers. You can use them to separate different items and keep everything organized.
  • Roll Your Towels: Rolling your towels instead of folding them can help you save space in your bathroom drawers. Rolled towels take up less space and are easier to organize.
  • Utilize Vertical Space: If you have a deep drawer, consider using a tiered shelf or riser to help you utilize vertical space. This will allow you to store more items in the same amount of space.
  • Use Clear Containers: Clear containers are a great way to organize your bathroom drawers. You can use them to store small items like cotton swabs, hair ties, and bobby pins.
  • Store Items by Frequency of Use: Store the items you use most frequently at the front of the drawer. This will make it easier to access them when you need them.
  • Utilize the Back of the Drawer: Don’t forget about the back of the drawer. You can use adhesive hooks or small containers to store items on the back of the drawer.
  • Use Drawer Liners: Drawer liners can help protect your drawers and make them easier to clean. They also provide a non-slip surface that can prevent items from sliding around.
  • Group Similar Items Together: Grouping similar items together can help you stay organized and make it easier to find what you need. For example, you can group all your hair accessories together or all your makeup brushes.
  • Use Labels: Labels can help you stay organized and make it easier to find what you need. You can use a label maker or write on masking tape to label your containers and dividers.
  • Consider Decluttering: Finally, consider decluttering your bathroom drawers. Get rid of any items you no longer use or need. This will help you free up space and make it easier to stay organized.

Organizing Makeup and Hair Tools

When it comes to organizing a bathroom drawer, it’s important to have a specific place for everything. This is especially true for makeup and hair tools, which can easily get lost or tangled up if not properly organized.

One great way to organize makeup is by using a makeup organizer. These come in a variety of sizes and styles, and can be used to store everything from foundation to eyeshadow to lipstick. By keeping your makeup in an organizer, you’ll be able to easily find what you need without having to dig through a messy drawer.

Hair tools like brushes, combs, and hair dryers can also be tricky to organize. One simple solution is to use a small basket or container to hold these items. You can also use clips, bobby pins, and hair ties to keep everything in place.

When organizing your makeup and hair tools, it’s important to keep things clean and hygienic. Make sure to clean your brushes and other tools regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other germs.

Overall, organizing your bathroom drawer can be a great way to save time and reduce stress. By taking the time to properly organize your makeup and hair tools, you’ll be able to easily find what you need and keep everything looking neat and tidy.

Managing Larger Items and Cleaning Supplies

When it comes to organizing a bathroom drawer, managing larger items and cleaning supplies can be a challenge. However, with a few simple tips, it can be done easily and efficiently.

One of the first things to consider is the size of the drawer. If it is a larger drawer, it may be easier to store larger items such as hair dryers, curling irons, and straighteners. These items can be stored in a section of the drawer that is specifically designated for them.

Cleaning supplies such as toilet bowl cleaner, disinfectant spray, and glass cleaner can also be stored in the bathroom drawer. To keep them organized, consider using a small bin or basket to hold them. This will make it easier to find what you need when you need it.

Large bottles of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash can take up a lot of space in a bathroom drawer. To make the most of the available space, consider using a shower caddy or hanging organizer to store these items. This will free up space in the drawer and make it easier to find what you need.

Overall, managing larger items and cleaning supplies in a bathroom drawer can be done with a little bit of planning and organization. By designating specific areas for these items and using storage solutions such as bins, baskets, and organizers, it can be easy to keep everything neat and tidy.

Utilizing Under the Sink and Countertop Space

When it comes to organizing a bathroom drawer, one of the most overlooked areas is the space under the sink and on the countertop. Utilizing this space effectively can help keep your bathroom organized and clutter-free.

Under the Sink:

The space under the sink is often used to store cleaning supplies, but it can also be a great place to store extra toiletries and other bathroom essentials. Consider using a small bin or basket to keep items organized and easy to find. You can also use a tension rod to hang cleaning supplies, freeing up additional space.


The countertop is a prime location for frequently used items, such as toothbrushes, hand soap, and lotion. Consider using a tray or small basket to keep these items together and prevent clutter. You can also use a small organizer to keep makeup and other small items in their place.


If you have a vanity in your bathroom, you can use the drawers to store larger items, such as towels and washcloths. Consider using dividers to keep items organized and easy to find.

Overall, utilizing under the sink and countertop space can help maximize your bathroom storage and keep your essentials easily accessible. By using bins, baskets, and organizers, you can keep your bathroom organized and clutter-free.

DIY Solutions for Organizing Bathroom Drawers

For those who prefer a more hands-on approach, there are plenty of DIY solutions for organizing bathroom drawers. These solutions can be both practical and aesthetically pleasing, and can be customized to fit any specific needs or preferences.

One popular DIY solution is to use small plastic containers or trays to separate and organize items within the drawer. These containers can be found at most home improvement or craft stores, and can be cut or shaped to fit the exact size of the drawer. They can also be labeled or color-coded for easy identification.

Another DIY solution is to repurpose items that are already in the home. For example, an old silverware tray or jewelry box can be used to organize makeup brushes or hair accessories. A spice rack can be mounted on the inside of the drawer to hold bottles or tubes of beauty products.

For those who enjoy crafting, there are plenty of DIY tutorials available online for creating custom drawer organizers. These can range from simple cardboard dividers to more complex wooden trays or compartments. Some popular DIY bloggers and influencers in the home design space, such as iDesign and The Home Edit, offer step-by-step guides and inspiration for creating personalized and functional drawer organizers.

Overall, DIY solutions for organizing bathroom drawers can be a fun and rewarding project for those who enjoy hands-on work and want to create a space that is both functional and beautiful.

Maintaining Your Organized Bathroom Drawers

Once you’ve organized your bathroom drawers, it’s important to maintain them. Here are some tips to help you keep your drawers organized:

  • Regularly declutter: Every few months, go through your drawers and remove any items that you no longer need or use. This will prevent your drawers from becoming cluttered again.
  • Return items to their designated spots: Make sure to put items back in their designated spots after using them. This will help you quickly find what you need the next time you’re looking for it.
  • Use dividers: If you’re having trouble keeping items in their designated spots, consider using dividers to keep items separated. This will help prevent items from shifting around and getting mixed up.
  • Label everything: Labeling items and drawers can help you quickly find what you need. This is especially helpful if you have multiple people using the same bathroom.
  • Keep frequently used items easily accessible: If you use certain items on a daily basis, keep them in a spot that’s easily accessible. This will help you save time when getting ready in the morning.
  • Group items by category: Grouping items by category can help you quickly find what you need. For example, keep all your hair accessories in one spot and all your makeup in another.
  • Clean regularly: Regularly cleaning your drawers will help prevent dust and dirt from building up. This will also help you see if any items need to be decluttered or moved to a different spot.
  • Don’t overcrowd drawers: Overcrowding drawers can make it difficult to find what you need. Make sure to leave some empty space in each drawer to make it easier to see what’s inside.
  • Stick to your system: Once you’ve established a system for organizing your drawers, stick to it. This will help you maintain your organized drawers over time.
  • Make it a habit: Finally, make organizing your drawers a habit. The more you do it, the easier it will become to maintain an organized bathroom.


By following these 10 tips, organizing a bathroom drawer can be a breeze. Keeping the drawer tidy and clutter-free can help save time and reduce stress when getting ready in the morning.

Remember to regularly go through the drawer and discard any expired or unused items. Utilize drawer organizers to keep items separated and easy to find. And don’t forget to label everything to ensure easy access.

With a little effort and consistency, maintaining an organized bathroom drawer can become a simple and rewarding habit.

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